Saturday, 18 October 2008


The story is just a mess. There's this spurious mission that starts at the end and has nothing really to do with the rest of the stuff that just happens in the background. I can't think of a decent way of linking up the two.

Maybe I shouldn't worry about it, it works/worked for Vonnegut and worked for Douglas Adams but I am having a crisis of confidence that it can work for me. And then there's all the numbers that I would ideally like to saturate the whole work with. Maybe this isn't the piece to do that with.

I keep finding myself thinking with an editors sensibility and not with a writers sensibility. As an editor everything has to work and be reasoned and link together. The small writer bit of me is currently losing the battle to the overbearing and experienced editors side. I've stopped reading any reference material, even though I bought it Watchmen today as it seems like looking at the Taj Mahal when I don't even know how to lay a brick wall yet.



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